Dr. Andressa Venturini
Andressa is a Brazilian soil microbial ecologist. Her research is focused on the microbial communities of tropical soils, their role in biogeochemical cycles, and how they are being impacted by land-use and climate change. Andressa received her master’s degree (2014) and doctorate (2019) from the University of São Paulo (USP - Brazil). Her thesis, also developed at the University of Oregon, explored the impacts of forest-to-pasture conversion in the Brazilian Amazon on the soil microorganisms related to the production and consumption of the greenhouse gas methane. In 2021, she received the USP Outstanding Thesis Award - 10th Edition in the area of Environmental Sustainability. During the 2021-22 academic year, Andressa was a Fung Global Fellow Postdoctoral Research Associate at Princeton University. At Stanford, she is working on the relationship between plant secondary metabolism and root-associated fungal communities across lowland and upland Amazonian landscapes.